The theme of this Congress is VISUALOGUE: Quality of Information. What image does this bring to mind?
A sense of speed.
Please describe one of your recent concerns or themes of interest, either within your field or personally.
What are your expectations for this Congress? Alternately, what fruit do you expect the Congress to bear?
A true exchange between myself and participants from abroad; I want both sides to understand one anothers' real nation.
Please provide us with a message directed to the younger generation (design students and young working designers).
Discover that single thing that will make you forget to eat, forget to sleep--your object of devotion--whether it be design, sports, music....
Concerning your partnership with various clients, please describe the kind of relationships you have built in the past, and/or the kind you expect to build in the future.
I try to create a relationship that transcends the power, even the existence, of an organization, in which we meet one-to-one, as two people trying to create a project together. Ideally, we can talk about its meaning not only within the industry, but within society itself.
Please answer the following question in the form of a message directed toward mature professional designers. Clearly, our modern communities are grappling with regional and cultural discord and face serious economic challenges. Given this environment, how might designers make the most vital contribution to society today?
Precisely because the times are as they are, let's solve with creativity the problems insoluble with reason or theory.
In light of this answer, what are your thoughts about the meaning of--and possibilities for--the design profession in the society of the future? |
The possibilities are endless. Through the power of design, I want to discover an answer to the serious problems we're having so much trouble solving today. |
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