Kan Tai-Keung graphic designer / Hong Kong
Asiabeat - A clash of signs and symbols
10 / 11 (Sat)9 : 00 - 11 : 45
C5 (Room 131-134)

Born 1942 in China, Kan Tai-keung moved to Hong Kong in 1957. After spending 10 years as apprentice and tailor, he took up design studies in Hong Kong. Kan has received numerous awards in both Hong Kong and international competitions. Among them include Gold Award, International Art Competition, Los Angeles; CA Awards, New York; 1st Prize in the 1st International Computer Art Biennale in Rzeszon, Poland; In Hong Kong, he was the first designer elected as one of the "Ten Outstanding Young Persons" in 1979; the only designer received the Urban Council Design Grand Award in 1984; Artist of the Year Award - Designer of the Year 1991, "Men of the Nineties" in 1992, Outstanding Achievements Award 1998 and Honour of Bronze Bauhinia Star in 1999.

Kan's accomplishments has earned him international publicity through exposures in prominent publications. In 1993 he was the only Chinese selected by Japan's prestigious design magazine "IDEA" as one of the 100 World's Graphic Designers. Kan takes an active role in educating and promoting art and design as a profession. He lectures frequently in Hong Kong and overseas institutions, acting as advisors for associations and adjudicates at competitions. He is now the Guest Professor of Central Institute of Fine Arts in Beijing.

The Living Heritage (2001)

Paper is a good design (2002)

Homage to Ikko Tanaka (2002)

Love our Motherearth (1998)

New Born (1999)