Keiko Hirano designer / Japan
What are the Qualities of Information?
10 / 9 (Thurs)10 : 10 - 11 : 40
C1 (Century Hall)

Hirano began as an artist. After working as a graphic artist she founded Hirano Studio Inc. in 1997, exploring new possibilities of communication based graphic design concepts. Her main work includes the symbol mark and visual identity of the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, CD packaging for Kenji Ozawa and packaging for Gekkeikan's "awai". She acted as art director in the establishment of a brand image for Shiseido's "qiora", including the logotype design. In 2001, along with Aoshi Kudo, she received the Mainichi Design Award for the "qiora design".


Symbol mark, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo

Bottle and packaging design for Japanese sake "awai" (design by Keiko Hirano and Aoshi Kudo)

Installation at the "What is qiora's creation?" exhibition

Visual direction of cosmetic brand "qiora"