Shigeo Fukuda graphic designer / Japan
Humor, joy and laughter
10 / 10 (Fri)9 : 00 - 10 : 40
C4 (Room 141-142)

Born in Tokyo in 1932, he graduated from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music in 1956. He is a director of JAGDA, Japanese representative to the AGI and a guest professor at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. Awards he has received include prizes at the Warsaw, Colorado, Brno, Lahti and Moscow International Poster Biennial Exhibitions, induction into the New York ADC Hall of Fame, the Helsinki International Poster Biennial Exhibition Grand Prix, the Savignac Grand Prix, UNESCO, NY SVA Master's Prize, the Mainichi Design Award and Young Artist's Special Commendation, the Mainichi Art Prize, the JAAC Yamana Prize, the MITI Design Prize for Distinguished Service, the Purple Ribbon Medal, and the Distinguished Service Awards from Iwate Prefecture and Nonohe City.

VICTORY (1976)


LOOK 1 (1984)

2003 Icograda CONGRESS NAGOYA¥JAPAN - theme poster: Joy/Humor (2003)