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リチャード・ソール・ワーマン,石岡瑛子,前田ジョン, シーモア・クワスト,ネヴィル・ブロディ,藤幡正樹,深澤直人,佐藤雅彦,杉浦康平,野田凪,原研哉,浅葉克己,大貫卓也,伊藤俊治,松岡正剛,宇川直宏,サイトウマコト,タナカノリユキ,福田繁雄,永井一正,横尾忠則,青葉益輝,勝井三雄,松永真,青木克憲,佐藤可士和,東泉一郎,佐藤卓,中西元男,松下計,水越伸,ステファン・サグマイスター,ジョナサン・バーンブルック,ゲルト・バウマンなど。

2003 Icograda Congress Nagoya, Japan: official site
This congress is an international conference on graphic design, to be held in Nagoya, Japan in October 2003. The following speakers will gather in Nagoya to discuss the Congress theme 'Quality of Information' by practicing a new format of conferencing 'VISUALOGUE':
Richad Saul Wurman,Eiko Ishioka,John Maeda,Seymour Chwast,Neville Brody,Stefan Sagmeister, Jonathan Barnbrook, Ger Baumann and so on.
In corporation with the city of Nagoya and other related organisations ant governmental bodies, Japan Graphic Designers Association is planning the contents.